Lecture: It may be rare but it's in your chair
This lecture outlines real case studies including carotid cavernous fistula, neisseria meningitidis, paediatric vasculitis, disappearing homonymous hemianopia, hypoplastic optic discs and PCA dementia.
Learning outcome(s):
Practitioners will recognise the symptoms associated with a range of rare ocular and systemic conditions (s.2)
Optometrists will be able to assess and manage patients presenting with a range of rare ocular and systemic conditions (s.7)
Dispensing opticians will recognise the steps required to assess and manage patients presenting with a range of rare ocular and systemic conditions (s.5)
Specialty optometrists will be able to assess and manage patients presenting with a range of rare ocular and systemic conditions and determine when to treat and when to refer (s.7).