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Exhibitor FAQs

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What are the new dates and opening hours of the event?

Saturday 1 March: 10:00 to 18:00
Sunday 2 March: 10:00 to 18:00
Monday 3 March: 10:00 to 17:00

How do I register for staff passes?

Every exhibitor is entitled to unlimited staff passes during show opening hours. These can be found on the Livebuzz Exhibitor Hub, which you can access through the Exhibitor manual. If you have issues accessing to your exhibitor manual, please email

How do I retrieve my unique marketing URL?

These can be found on the Livebuzz Exhibitor Hub, which you can access through the Exhibitor manual. Make sure you include your unique url on all promotional materials.

Warning to exhibitors/scam alert

Unfortunately, industry related scams can happen by companies claiming to be, or work with us. The Association of Event Organisers (AEO) have put together an article stating few tips to avoid these scams, click here to read full article.



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