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Disease Evaluation Apps

RetinAI Stand: E24

The challenge

Despite advances in retinal imaging technology, patient disease activity can be missed in vision-threatening conditions. This oversight in everyday practice has the potential for undertreatment in patients. In addition, treatment delays further impact vision, worsening outcomes. Delays are in part due to a lack of awareness and urgency from the patient.

The SolutionRetinAI's Disease Apps for Disease Management

RetinAI’s Disease Evaluation Apps are accessed via Heidelberg AppWay. AppWay is a secure data transfer portal integrated in Heidelberg’s HEYEX 2. The Disease Apps provide expert-level analysis of a patient’s OCT volumes. Results, generated in PDF format during the patient’s visit, are designed to complement the evaluation and management of retinal diseases. The results can be used to better understand disease and status of biomarkers, and can provide valuable education and visualization of disease and biomarkers, empowering patients to be engaged in their disease management.

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