NuVision Biotherapies is a tissue-therapies company that manufactures Tereo processed human amniotic membrane, Omnigen which can be applied to the ocular surface to support healing, minimise inflammation and reduce pain.
Omnigen can be stored between 2-25oC and applied directly to the ocular surface. NuVision also has developed OmniLenz, a specially modified bandage contact lens designed to apply and hold Omnigen at the ocular surface. Omnigen-OmniLenz can be applied in a simple 4-6-minute procedure in an outpatient, non-surgical setting. Opening the breadth and availability of amniotic membrane treatment.
Omnigen can be applied by Ophthalmologists and trained Optometrists and Contact Lens Opticians in primary care.
MediCity, D6 Building, Thane RoadNottingham
NG90 6BH
United Kingdom