Richard Bell
British Association of Retinal Screening
Richard Bell is a qualified senior medical photographer and ophthalmic research co-ordinator at the Newcastle Eye Centre (NEC) based in the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, England. He has recently completed a university diploma in OCT interpretation with Gloucestershire Retinal Education Group (GREG) in conjunction with Gloucestershire University. Richard has been at the NEC for over 6 years and prior to that was a qualified retinal screener/grader in diabetic eye screening for 5 years. He is a member of both the OPS and OIA and has won numerous photographic awards. He has recently had work published in the Journal of Photography with the OPS and Eye News and had 2 images shown on the front cover of EYE. Richard is also Co-chair of the British Association of Retinal Screening (BARS) and registered with the Academy for Health Care Science (AHCS).